Live your life. Live your age. Be Yourself.

Let Your Skin To Choose

The skincare of the future with deep roots in the tradition of nature

Many people today feel pressure to be perfect and fit a certain standard of beauty. If your skin could talk, it would ask you for clean skincare, designed for her and for your comfort, for your lifestyle, for your way of being, for her and for you.

Bonjour La Vie think about who you are and what you need

Enter the magic world of Bonjour La Vie and choose your routine now

Pianta un albero insieme a noi

Attraverso Tree-Nation per ogni tuo acquisto noi piantiamo un albero, aiutando a compensare le emissioni di CO2.

Tutti insieme per un mondo migliore


The Collections

The Timeless Basic Routine

Sei pronta? Timeless Routine ti può aiutare a vederti e sentirti al... 

The Cleansers - Magically Effective

Your skin will thank you! Cleansing is essential for an healthy, happy, radiant skinThe... 

Who I am, who we are

  • I raggi del sole filtrano attraverso i rami e le fronte degli alti alberi di una foresta


    From packaging to formulations, everything is designed to be environment friendly and reusable
  • Io che guardo verso il futuro


    Few products, easy to use, a quick routine to take care of yourself and leave you more time and space for your life
  • Thank You scritto in corsivo con un nastro rosa


    Respect is our mantra, for people, planet, animals, things. Everything else follows from this
  • Inclusivity

    A skincare dedicated to human beings, in all their nuances, colors, moods, lifestyles, and individuality
  • Io che sorrido

    Bonjour La Vie, Hello Life, Buongiorno Vita

    means Be Positive, Smile, Love, Be Free, Be Yourself, Be Curious, Be Courageous, Believe in Yourself, Be Honest, Respect

    and finally, ... , try saying "Bonjour La Vie" without smiling
  • Yes

    Yes Vegan

    Yes free of Petrolatum/Mineral Oils, Silicons, PEG, PPG, BHA and BHT, EDTA, Parabens, formaldehyde releasers