Aosa seaweed
From the sea the most precious seaweed
It gives elasticity to the skin, improves tone, reduces wrinkles, promotes cell regeneration. Wonderful for young and impure skin, as well as mature skin.
It is a green, surface marine algae. The surface algae are found up to 50 meters below sea level, further down we find the red and brown algae up to a maximum of 250 meters below sea level. Aosa algae contains proline, one of the constituents of collagen and elastin, glycine, a constituent of collagen and Natural Moisturizing Factor, and lysine, a component of collagen and precursor of vitamin B. This makes it very similar to elastin, of which it is the plant substitute, a protein of the dermis, which allows the skin to remain elastic. Like collagen and other components of the dermis, its synthesis is reduced as we age, and the skin loses tone and elasticity.
Algae are now included among the foods of the future and aosa algae, consumed for years now, is rich in vitamin B12, all eight essential amino acids, omega 3, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, copper.
Its structure of elastic fibers allows it to resist violent waves without breaking.
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